Lose the Headache, Find your Remote

Ever lost something? Car keys. Cell phones. Wallets. The list goes on.

We’ve all been there, and everybody knows how irritating misplacing something can be. Plus, time lost during the search can really add up.

While we can’t help you track down your car keys as you walk out the door, we can make life a little easier when it comes to finding your remote control.

How? DISH offers a great ‘Locate Remote’ feature with our Hopper DVR and Joey receivers. It will help you find your remote quickly the next time it hides in your couch cushions, refrigerator or sock drawer.

To use, follow a few simple steps listed below.

  1. Press the LOCATE REMOTE button. Note: The button is located behind the front panel of your Hopper and on the front of Joey.
  2. There may be a bit of a delay, so sit tight momentarily. Then the remote will start to beep while the top four buttons light up and blink.
  3. Follow the noise to quickly track down your remote. Once found, click any button to silence.
  4. Voila! Enjoy TV, headache free.

For more information about DISH’s remote controls, click here.

Tweet @DISHNews, and tell us about the weirdest places you’ve found your remote.