When hearing “TV safety,” most people immediately think of parental controls and safeguards to prevent kids from seeing inappropriate content. But TV safety also has a physical component, one that is often overlooked.
Last Saturday, one day before all eyes were on TVs across the country for the Super Bowl, Safe Kids Worldwide and the Consumer Electronics Association sponsored “National TV Safety Day.” This annual event raises awareness about the danger of unsecured televisions and the threat it poses to children. Every 45 minutes, a child is injured due to a TV tipping over. The older, heavier cathode ray tube (CRT) TV’s are particularly dangerous and are often placed in unsecured locations in the home such as dressers or high furniture.
To prevent injury, it’s critical to secure your TV, whether an old CRT or a flat-panel model (which can easily be pulled off a table or entertainment center). Older TVs should be secured on low, stable furniture that is appropriate for the TV’s size and weight. Flat-panel TVs can be secured with a mount, ideally fixed to a wall.
For those old TVs just sitting around gathering dust, consider recycling. Visit www.GreenerGadgets.org to enter your zip code and learn which locations near you can accept your old TV.
While National TV Safety Day may have passed, it’s always a good time to ensure the safety of your home. For more information on keeping kids safe at home and beyond, visit www.safekids.org.