How to Block Out Crying Babies on a Flight

We’ve all been there — you’re lying back in your window seat with a boarding pass ready for a relaxing flight. All systems are go for your vacation as you feel the landing gear come up and the plane tilt toward the sky. You close your eyes and the inevitable happens… the baby two rows up starts screaming. You can’t get mad at an infant and you don’t want this to ruin your trip, so take a look at these tips for blocking out crying babies on flights:

It may be a bit obvious, but this method is tried and true. Headphones are an essential that you can’t overlook when you put together your carry-on bag. Think about it: Would you rather listen to a podcast, your favorite music or Junior screaming?

OK, so this isn’t actually going to block out the noise. Still, bringing out your relaxed self can be a great way to make screaming infants more tolerable. At the end of the day, the buzz and your sanity are totally worth the inflated airline cocktail prices.

Sure, it might come across as a little new age, but channeling your inner Buddha may be the perfect way to escape a noisy, crowded, baby-ridden flight. You don’t even need to be an expert to try this method; just focus on positive things and regulate your breathing.

Join in the fun
Obviously, tolerating a crying baby is far easier when you’re flying from Chicago to Milwaukee than when you’re flying from Chicago to Paris. When all else fails, show that kid how to really cry. Start screaming and see what happens. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.